Windows 7 icacls creating "Special Permissions"
The command i'm running is the following: icacls C:\rw_apps\ /grant <SID>:F It grants the permissions needed to the folder but as a seperate ACL and checks the box for "Special Permissions" for that folder. What i'd like for it to do is just grant full controll to that folder without creating special permissions. I must be missing something with the proper use of this command. Any recommendations are appreciated. Thanks, Lucas
May 20th, 2010 8:49pm

Hi, To grant the full control to certain folder via ICACLS command, please just type the following command: icacls C:\rw_apps\ /grant administrators:F For more information about the ICACLS command, please refer to the following article: Icacls Thanks, Novak
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May 21st, 2010 5:26am

iCACLS expands the capabilities of CACLS to be able to display, modify, backup or restore contents of discretionary ACLs for files and directories. iCACLS command line utility is able to show and set mandatory labels of an object for interaction with WIC (Windows Integrity Control) which most noticeable in the Internet Explorer Protected Mode which automatically Low integrity to Internet objects to protect the operating system from malicious web content in Internet Explorer.
May 21st, 2010 1:23pm

Lucas, What you need to do is just add the (OI)(CI) to the permissions so that it sets inheritance normally. So your command would look like: icacls c:\rw_apps\ /grant username:(OI)(CI)F Thanks, Aaron
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March 11th, 2012 10:25am

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